
Safety, Security, and Cleanliness

+ Can anyone pick up my child?

No, we have a pick-up authorization form that parents fill out at orientation. We will not release a child unless the adult is listed on the child’s authorized pickup list.

+ Are your teachers CPR certified?

We bring CPR and First Aid training courses to our facility regularly and most of our teachers are current and certified in both.

+ Do you background check your teachers?

Yes, all of our teachers have passed a comprehensive background check including national crime, sex offender registry, and drug test. We’re very careful to screen and select only the very best faculty to entrust with your child’s safety and education.

+ Does my child have to be potty trained to attend preschool?

Students enrolled in our preschool classes are required to be fully potty trained. Students need to have the awareness to use the bathroom without reminders, and can wipe or clean themselves appropriately to maintain clean hygiene.

We want children to be as independent as possible while they are at school. We do not allow our teachers to wipe bottoms. Instead, teachers are to encourage them to do the best they can and to dress and undress on their own. It is a skill that takes some practice, and isn't always done very well by preschoolers, so helping them practice at home is recommended. Teachers will remind students to wash their hands.

+ What if my child has a bathroom accident at school?

We make every effort to help our students make it to the bathroom before accidents happen. In the event that they have an accident at school, we will help them change into a set of “potty pants” and a shirt if needed. We will send home wet clothes in a plastic bag with a note attached. We appreciate a quick return so we can have them on hand for the next accident. Our teachers are not expected to clean up bowel movements. If a child has this type of bathroom accident, a parent will be called to come and pick them up; or change them and send them back into class!

+ How often do you sanitize the facility and supplies?

Our facility is cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. We sanitize tables, chairs, doorknobs, floor, bathrooms and equipment regularly.

+ Can children attend preschool if they are sick?

No, thank you! To help protect your own child’s health and to minimize the possibility of contagion at school, please keep your child at home if you observe any of the following symptoms:

  • Nasal discharge that is green or yellow
  • Consistent cough
  • Severe sore throat
  • Eyes that are pink, burning, itching, or producing discharge
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Fever

If these symptoms or other conditions deemed contagious are observed in a child during a class, the parent will be called to pick up the child immediately.

+ What if my child has a medical condition or learning disability?

Please disclose all medical conditions, learning disabilities, and developmental delays to us prior to registration. Together, we can make an informed decision on the best plan for your child’s education. Our teachers are trained professionals who are anxious to work with all children and personalities, and the more we know about your child, the better the class experience will be for all involved. We recognize that not every circumstance is the best fit for our program. If we can’t accommodate the needs of your preschooler adequately, we are committed to finding the tools and resources they need to succeed.

School Procedures and Policies

+ How many kids in a class?

We have up to 12 kids in our classes, a 12:1 teacher ratio, with an extra teacher on-site to assist as needed.

+ Can I stay and watch my child's class?

Our preschool classrooms welcome parent help a few times a year. The rest of the year we want to keep our classrooms distraction free to allow for the most progress possible. If you would like to volunteer or observe in the classroom, please let us know beforehand so we can plan on you.

+ What if my child cries when I drop them off at preschool?

If your child cries or does not want to take class, don’t panic. The process of separating from the parent as the child attends class is an important accomplishment of preschool children. As children mature, they begin to identify themselves as independent personalities. In separating from you, the parent, your child is learning:

  • to develop an interest in the activities of the school;
  • to feel comfortable with other children in the class;
  • to understand that his/her parent will come back and pick him/her up;
  • to understand that all parents leave their children and come back.

It is important to know that at times young children will explore the limits of attending class and say they don’t want to go. This period may occur anytime, but it is usually short-lived. Here are some suggestions that might help you handle the situation:

  • Emphasize what the child is doing at class rather than what you do while he/she is in class.
  • Before you leave, see that the child is involved in an activity or is in the hands of a teacher.
  • Avoid prolonged good-byes.
  • Ask the teacher for help in separation. We expect the crying (and usually the tears are for the parent’s benefit).

It May Not Be the Right Time

  • If we have given our best effort and decide that a child really isn’t ready for preschool, we will discuss that with the you. If we push children and create more stress than they are already experiencing, they may come to perceive class as a bad experience. That kind of negativity could make them apprehensive about school or dance for a long time, which isn’t good for anyone involved. We encourage you to have your child try again next year, or even after a few months.

+ How does the school does handle behavior problems?

We encourage students to have respect for other students, the teachers and staff, and studio property, and we foster the development of good habits and compliance with rules of conduct. Our staff and faculty are trained in age-appropriate expectations regarding behavior and use constructive techniques of redirection to maintain class control and handle individual misbehavior. Our preschool teachers have positive, caring attitudes at all times. When a problem arises with a child or between children, the children are redirected to a different activity to encourage a peaceful solution. Teachers help each child express their feelings using words instead of negative behavior. They will never use negative words or have a negative attitude as a result of a problem and will never sit children in time out. If a child repeatedly does not respond to this method, teachers will then discuss the behavior with the parent and work together to resolve the issue. Teachers will always communicate concerns to parents if a student is having a hard time participating appropriately in class. If needed, we will implement other methods to help encourage improvement such as behavior cards, parent participation, or a shortened school schedule.

Our Studio Discipline Policy provides a consistent and predictable way for teachers to manage the behavior of students who do not follow classroom rules. This policy allows teachers to be committed to creating a classroom that is conducive to learning.

+ How do I contact my child's teachers?

Communication with our teachers is done by email. They will respond to you within 24 business hours. Our teacher email address is

Teachers are approachable during drop off and pick up for updates and questions. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s education (such as progress or class placement), please discuss them with your child’s teacher or the director. You can contact the school office to set up an appointment; do not approach your child’s teacher or the director during classes or make contact outside of the school.

Classroom Procedures

+ What should my child wear to preschool?

We will go over specifics during orientation so you know what day your preschooler has dance and tumbling.

  • Tumbling day: comfortable clothes they can stretch and move in. Shorts/sweats and t-shirts, leos, hair pulled back, etc. They will tumble barefoot.
  • Dance day: Boys can wear clothes similar to tumbling or white shirts, black pants, and black ballet shoes. Girls will wear black leotards, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes. Skirts are optional. We can size girls at the studio for all required dance attire! We carry all sizes in stock in all the basics.
  • Fridays they wear any appropriate school clothes they can play in!

+ Where can I purchase ballet shoes and dance attire?

In the office! Please purchase a NICE pair of leather ballet shoes! A ballet shoe that fits well makes for a happier dance experience. Our ballet shoes are $24 plus tax. For convenience and uniformity, we recommend that you purchase them from the onsite store. Order items online here and we'll have them ready for you when you arrive.

+ Do you serve snacks at school?

Yes, preschoolers look forward to snack time! Students with last names A-L drop off specific individually-wrapped snack donations at the beginning of the year. Last names M-Z drop them off in January. Students choose from the snack selection each day.

If you do not want to bring snack, you can opt for the school for provide them for you all year for a single charge.

WE ARE A NUT FREE ZONE! If your child has a dietary restriction or allergy you’ll let us know on the snack form in your orientation packet.

Special Events and Experiences

+ Do you go on class fieldtrips?

Yes! All students attend a fieldtrip in October and May, and Friday students get to go on 2 additional community fieldtrips. We require a parent chaperone to attend all school fieldtrips. Siblings are welcome to join us. Fieldtrips take the place of regular classes.

+ Since preschool includes dance and tumbling, does my child get to be in a recital?

Yes! Performances are an exciting part of our program! All academic preschool students have opportunities to participate in our Halloween show, sing and dance at a Holiday program, show off at our Tumbling Exhibition in June, and to dance at the annual recital! This is their chance to show off all their hard work for the year!

Details will be sent home upon registration and you must submit a consent to participate.